Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I think I'm fnished!

I am not sure how I feel about "23 things". There is a great deal of material here to take in. Some is interesting, some I probably will not use again but I won't look completely stumped if someone is asking about it.I love the website with pictures,Flickr and Del.icio.us. they can be rather addictive. I had a rather bumpy start so that may have made a difference in my work here but I feel better having completed it. Thanks Jennifer for all your support. You did good!


I love Picasa! It is so easy and I have a great library of pics that I can copy, send, blog or whatever. It is a very versitile program and all my pics here are the product of Picasa.

We are in good company

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By takomabibelot
My Picture from Flickr is a selection from the architecture of the Library of Congress and other libraries in Washington DC. It is rather a humbling experience. I wish I could take credit for it but it was snapped by takomabibelot. See her works and pictures by others at:


Friday, August 17, 2007

Can't help myself I went to the beach again. There were a lot of choices listed under the tags beaches, vacations etc. So it was great to see. I also can see how it would help to have a watchlist if you were a student or a writer. Tag your interests or subjects on your list to help in research etc. I may not use it again but it was interesting to see.
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Not ALL work

Here is my daughter on the way to the beach. No not in Itlay here on the shore but it's still great! Must be the company.
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A del.icio.us beach

Caprera Island, Sardinia, Italy

The vibe: La dolce vita meets Euro bling.

Picture this: A subdued day haunt just off Sardinia's ultrachic Costa Smeralda, Caprera Island's secluded bays and secret coves call out for skinny-dipping or a beach picnic for two. One of seven islands in the Maddalena archipelago, and now a national park, the beaches are gently bathed by the cobalt Tyrrhenian Sea.

The crowd: The Costa Smeralda is all about supertoned divas in teeny-weeny Missoni bikinis and Italian industrialists in oversized Prada sunglasses—but out here you'll be sharing nature with the abundant seabirds.

The sundowner: Cocktails on the speedboat. Try an Earl of Sardinia: crème de cassis, Campari, grapefruit juice, pineapple, and grenadine.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

a good taste...!: how to make pizza...?

a good taste...!: how to make pizza...?

Where ARE we going???

Reading the articles found in Web 2.0 I am discouraged and yet encouraged. Discouraged that more people are not reading the great books in our "just in case" collection. I agree withRick Anderson (Away from the "icebergs"),our monoploy power of information has indeed shifted and we need to prepare ourselves for the future. While this will mean a great deal of innovative ideas on the part of Librarians and staff we should embrace this opportunity to "get on the boat" with the rest of the world and not be left behind.
So I am encouraged that we recognize the problem and that is a big step toward solving it. This is not a new problem by any means. It has been experienced by educators, politicians,businesses and parents. How to keep up with the constant demand of change. So while we may not be leading the way we are all in the same boat to the destination of knowledge and information and thats a good thing! Blog on!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Monday, August 6, 2007

Work Out!!

Library Things

Wow this was so easy, probably because I love selecting books, reading books, suggesting books etc. I find I am character driven so if there is a character I like I read every book. I am very loyal to my favorite authors. If they haven't written anything lately I will go to fantastic fiction check out other authors writing similar material. My favorite thing is to find a new author that has tons of material that I haven't read yet! Guess I'm in the right field.

Monday, July 30, 2007

LetterJames image generator

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e-book reading device

I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves. ~Anna Quindlen, "Enough Bookshelves," New York Times, 7 August 1991

E for" eventually"

According to Wikipedia, an e-book is the digital media equivalent of a conventional printed book, either read on personal computers, or dedicated hardware devices known as e-book devices or e-book readers. The debate about the pros and cons of e-books is not going away anytime soon.
Less physical space is required to store e-books. On the average 500 e-books can be stores on one CD which according to Wikipedia is equivalent to several shelves of print books. Reference collection that use to house oversized and expensive books, can not be easily accessed and cross referenced on the e-book format. Readers of large print text can benefit from chioces in text and font.
However, often readers of large print material are older patrons and they do not or will not use computers as a first choice for reading material. In addition, the cost of special equipment and software may not be in the budget of readers who patronize a "free" library. As with all new computer equipment it is contantly evolving and screen resolution and choices of devices may be an ongoing process.
If I learn nothing else from my" 23 things" it is that we are in the computer age to stay and eventually our library and all libraires will offer e-books. As an additional format for patrons who look forward to reading from their laptops at lunch it will be an exciting addition. I still hope that nothing will replace the excitement of receiving the latest book by the best selling author that you can carry home like a prize won to read, enjoy and share.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pajama Day

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Hello again from Snow Hill! Lots of fun things happening now that school is out. We are involved in many activities and programs and contests. Currently we are preparing a reading contest for July. Using questions found in the Newberry and Caldecott winner books we hope to encourage our kids to read and answer as many of the questions as they can. Of course there are prizes and winners but the real winners will be the kids who read these great books.

We are also awarding ice cream cone coupons to kids we " catch reading" We stole this idea from the adult contest "caught reading" and we are offering instant gratification in the form of a coupon donated by our local ice cream store Two Scoops! A win win scenario for everyone.

Along with our summer programming we also have a wonderful volunteer who is doing some of out story time activities. On Pajama day the kids wore their pajamas and wrapped themselves in a sleeping bag while Miss Kelle read to them. We are looking forward to train day when the kids will "travel" across the street to the Snow Hill Canoe Company to see the model train display.
We have lost of plans for future events so stay tuned!

Friday, June 15, 2007

My 23 Things

Friday ! June 14, 2007
Friday is not really the best day to start a new project, but anyone who works in a library knows you can only plan so far and then forget it! So what I planned to do on Monday is now getting done on Friday. Well, at least it's in the same week.
So "23 Things" and I am on 2...hmmm. I think I will share with you 23 things that happened in Snow Hill this week.
1. Summer Reading Registration
2. Catch Kids Reading certificates
3. SAM down Monday pm, oops! unhappy teens
4. Noreen on vacation
5. Rosalie off Thursday
6. New laptop for SH
7. 12 foreign students working at McDonalds. Do you think they knew ?
8. Desperate service learning students from SHHS
9. Meet with Dawn, finalize summer programs
10.Those pesky PWs
11. Sorry staff, I am ordering more DVDs
12. Our first Senior Moment a mild success
13. Fay out sick, pinch hitting in Worcester Room
14. Alice brought donuts (God bless her)
15. Jane made brownies YEAH !
16. WHEN TO WORK scheduling for July
17. Title Source, need I say more?
18. Timesheets everyone!
19. New flowers in planters
20. Pocomoke history book rersearchers relentless
21. Pictures of storytime
22. Jean Tindley on vacation, miss her more than anyone !
23. Create blog.
I know we are all busy doing the same or similar things to keep our branches up and running and serving the public. Our true love of books and knowledge make it all worthwhile. Here is a quote for us all.

"I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian who crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved."
-- Barbara Kingsolver, novelist

Duck and
Enjoy the weekend....Flickr next week?!!!????